However, the realm of feelings and emotions is on the discordant end of the astro-psychic spectrum - due to the monthly Moon-Venus polarity (3:43AM PDT) followed by Ceres square to Neptune (9:20AM PDT) and Venus making an abrasive, 135-degree link to taskmaster Saturn (9:32AM PDT). It is not often that Ceres and Venus - two main goddess archetypes - face off against major planets like Neptune and Saturn. The net result is that challenges are probably on the upswing when it comes to primary partnerships and dealing with parental and nutritional issues.
Nevertheless, it is right and good to pull away from shadowy vibrations, and focus attention on reaching important athletic, literary or educational goals with the Moon in the encouraging ninth sign of the zodiac. Start gearing up for the profound and enlightening Full Moon that will arrive on the scene this coming Tuesday morning July 3.
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