Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunday mornings on NBC


Image: Richard Durbin; Paul Ryan
Getty Images
Ryan & Durbin on economy and Decision 2012
Decision 2012 – the focus shifts back to the economy: President Obama and his campaign pivot to a populist, “Us vs. Them,” economic message while Mitt Romney touts his business credentials and focuses on the budget and spending.  This Sunday, we’ll have two top campaign supporters to break down the campaign and the strategy going forward: For President Obama, one of his closest allies in the Senate, the Assistant Majority Leader, Dick Durbin (D-IL);  for Mitt Romney, House Budget Chair Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).
PRESS Pass: Madeleine Albright
Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright talks with David about her new book, this week's NATO summit, and the role of the United States in the world.

Image: Cory Booker, Mike Murphy, Jim Cramer, Kim Strassel
NBC News
MTP Political Roundtable
Mitt Romney closes the numbers gap as new fundraising figures and polls show he's on the president's heels. If the election were held today, which candidate would have the momentum? Which states are the campaigns focusing on? We'll take a snapshot of where the race stands now. Plus, will the spending battles on Capitol Hill bleed into the rhetoric on the trail? And what about the tone of the race?  Questions resurface about how negative this race could get. Our Political Roundtable weighs in: Mayor of Newark, NJ, Cory Booker (D), Republican strategist Mike Murphy,  CNBC's Jim Cramer, and the Wall Street Journal's Kim Strassel

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