Saturday, June 23, 2012

Daily Cosmic Calendar for Saturday, June 23, 2012

Don't let this become The Lost Weekend. The Moon in Leo is attempting to provide you with heart-felt love and sustenance, but planetary pranksters are eager to ruin the experience.

Vesta forms a frictional, 45-degree link to radical-change agent Uranus (2:53AM PDT), but this provocative alignment is only one of several. Before you know it, Venus makes an abrasive, 135-degree link to Saturn (1:36PM PDT) - shortly before the Moon goes void at 3:27PM PDT until 4:44AM PDT tomorrow.

Now that Vesta-Uranus and Venus-Saturn clashes are in the game - along with a long void Moon - the universe also tosses in curve balls in the form of a highly-shocking Chiron-Uranus contra-parallel (3:39PM PDT) and Ceres shifting out of stable Taurus and into often dualistic Gemini (3:53PM PDT). It is the Chiron-Uranus contra-parallel - behaving somewhat like a zodiacal opposition - that can increase nervous strain and anxiety, and produce shock waves and topsy-turvy conditions to an enormous degree. [This Chiron-Uranus link-up will also happen on July 10, 2012, March 27, 2013, October 27, 2013 and January 21, 2014. Therefore, you should realize that this unusual sky pattern is something that will keep influencing humanity, on and off, for the next year and a half.]

Hopefully, tonight's Sun-Neptune flowing trine in water signs (8:55PM PDT) will bring a mellowness and tranquility into the cosmic scene. Watching comedy classics and laughing away the blues may help to keep you smiling and content.

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