Saturday, June 30, 2012

Daily Feng Shui June 30, 2012

On ‘Meteor Day’ I’d like to share a Feng Shui way to give your career a meteoric rise in recognition and reward, no matter the field you’re in. One way to do that is to activate the Feng Shui ‘Wish Fulfilling’ gem. In this case, we want to trigger energies in the Fame arena of your home or office, so we will use a red gem or crystal. Once cleansed of any previous energies, leave this gem outside to soak up sunshine for three consecutive days, or on any windowsill that gets sunshine for a part of the day so that the solar rays can also activate the energies. After three days, place this gem anywhere in the Fame area for at least forty-nine days. During that time, you should hold the gem three times a day and focus your intentions and energies into it. At the end of the forty-nine days you should begin to see opportunities abounding that will manifest your dreams. Once your wish has been fulfilled then you can either leave your gem in place or cleanse it and put it away until the next ‘Meteor Day.’ Either way, you can be sure that your name will soon be on everyone’s lips and that career rewards are now heading your way.

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